We truly appreciate you considering supporting our efforts at EnjoinGood.org. Please email us with any suggestions or questions to support@enjoingood.org.
The EnjoinGood Team
We truly appreciate you considering supporting our efforts at EnjoinGood.org. Please email us with any suggestions or questions to support@enjoingood.org.
The EnjoinGood Team
Thank you for your donation. Your generosity makes our work possible. Please email us with any suggestions or questions to support@enjoingood.org.
The EnjoinGood Team
EnjoinGood.org is pleased to announce we’ve become affiliated with American-Islam as the Worcester Chapter.
This is a great honor that comes with many benefits and support from an organization that’s been in existence since 1996, working to empower moderate American Muslims by providing them with religious, educational, social, financial, and advocacy services, and outreaching to the U.S. population, media, and government with the true peaceful message of Islam.
Please see American Islam for more information or contact Asima Silva.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Kinnicutt Hall, Room 115, Salisbury Labs (3D Map)
100 Institute Rd, Worcester, MA
Hundreds of elected officials, civil servants, and local activists enjoyed Asima Silva‘s story of “Growing up in America” on January 15. In our survey of attendees, 100% wanted us to provide more opportunities to continue the conversation.
On the radio the next day, many callers said they would have attended if we held the event outside the mosque.
We’re happy to bring you another opportunity at WPI to listen, ask us your tough questions, and meet your neighbors. You are encouraged to share this invite with your friends and colleagues.
Please register quickly as seating is limited.
If unable to join us, please fill this survey to provide feedback on how we can better serve you in terms of new events, different venues, or better scheduling.
On December 12, it was just above freezing in Boston, yet moving words at the “Out of Many, One” interfaith event warmed the hearts of those at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. Some of those words came from Mayor Walsh:
“If every elected official in America visited a mosque between now and inauguration in January, we would be able to have a better conversation in our country.”
Watch Mayor Walsh’s full statement
In honor of this request, EnjoinGood.org and Worcester Islamic Center cordially invite you to attend “Understanding the American Muslim” on Sunday, Jan 15th from 3-5pm at the Worcester Islamic Center on 240 East Mountain St. Worcester, MA. Please join us for snacks and refreshments. Please rsvp by Jan 11th with the number of attendees.
Although a few friends have been discussing the creation of a non-profit since 2014, we recently took steps to begin EnjoinGood.org in November of 2015. There are currently over 80 members discussing how to move the project forward. There is a saying in our culture that decisions made by consensus can’t be wrong, and although a little slower, this is the route we are taking. Thanks for being patient with us.
So what’s our purpose? We believe that everyone innately wants to do good but doing so often isn’t as easy as it should be. We want to remove these barriers and make it simple to help fellow Muslims and those around us. The Quran, and our Prophets including Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, and Abraham, peace be upon them, say that its incumbent on all Muslims to be valuable members of our local communities and to be good neighbors to those of all faiths. We also believe that the good we do in this world, pays us back in dividends as people receive the benefits of our good deeds, even after we pass. Our logo represents this infinite cycle of good.
How do we plan to accomplish enjoining good? We are implementing a forum for crowdfunding local charities and building a network for volunteer opportunities in areas of Interfaith Outreach, New Muslim Support, and Youth Services. As we build our membership, we will increase our reach as members take on additional responsibility.
Thanks for your interest in EnjoinGood.org and peace be with you.
Your brothers and sisters in humanity